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Over Dogma
With our cross disciplinary project team approach, we design and deliver transformation programmes that work .
Origin of
the Name
The Roman army had small troops on the wings which were intelligent and fast: alares. Their agile actions informed and shaped the whole operation. Alares were focused on delivering on time and against all obstacles. Kıvanç and Erdal gathered a team of entrepreneurial mindset people together to challenge the dogmas of our customers and deliver change; hence the name Dogma Alares.
Team Structure
Founded on four multi-disciplinary capabilities natively blended in nature, for an exponentially changing and complex world: strategy consulting, service design, machine learning and new digital technologies.
New Digital
Firms need ''maker'' technology teams that can bring cloud based, open source and cost effective innovative solutions and create competitive advantage for your firm.
& AI Teams
Today’s complex problems cannot be solved with yesterday’s spreadsheets and analogue approaches. We develop ''use-case driven'' artificial intelligence / machine learning solutions in our engagements.
& Service Design
Transformations are as successful as the amount of involvement of customers and employees. Design approaches should be part of engagements using design thinking, prototyping and scalable idea generation.

Our partners have global and local consulting experience from top firms and bring deep industry knowledge and versatile backgrounds
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