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Propensity Models Development
Banks have been using propensity models to correctly channelize their sales and marketing efforts for a long time. Traditional linear methodologies have mostly been used to develop these propensity models. Now with the democratisation of machine learning area, it has become possible to develop more accurate non-linear models. We both develop highly accurate propensity models with machine learning methodologies and train the analytics teams of our clients so that they can apply the same methodologies for future modelling efforts.
Strategy Consulting
Machine Learning & AI Teams
Campaign and Portfolio Management
Having highly accurate propensity models is not sufficient alone to correctly channelize sales and marketing efforts. Portfolio and customer management strategies need to be formulated and frequently revised in order to correctly automate workforce and to use self-service channels as efficient sales outlets. Differently for each customer segment, we develop customer strategies such as grow, protect, diminish, de-risk, etc. and link all customer level actions to these strategies. Customer level actions can be populated with propensity models, triggers and business rules. We develop prioritisation methodologies of these actions suitable to customer strategy and linked with the campaign management engine used in the bank.
Strategy Consulting
Loyalty Program
Success of a loyalty programs is generally very linked to how centrally it is positioned in the business in the eyes of both customers and business owners. Loyalty programs in individual banking domain generally achieve this but with enormous costs to banks. Restructuring of such programs with optimised return on investment can be on the table in every 3 to 5 years. On the other hand business banking usually struggle to develop such programs due to lack of customer centric approaches. We design loyalty programs depending on both data-driven, fact-base inputs and elements that enhance experience along customer journeys.
Strategy Consulting
Experience & Service Design
Machine Learning & AI Teams
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